Some people will no doubt say we can't fairly pitch a 3 year old whisky against a 45 year old whisky. But here's the rub- it isn't about age (nor price for that matter!)
What these awards are about is celebrating EVERYTHING the whisky stands for...
What story does it tell you?
What memories does it evoke when you try it?
Does it make you beam from ear to ear and crave another dram?
You know- the sort of stuff that gets us all hot under the collar and ever so slightly giddy. All these whiskies have made us feel this way throughout 2009.
So with all these things in mind, we'll be holding a tasting panel later this week to crown the overall 'Best in Glass' winner 2009.
Here's our shortlist (in no particular order). You'll see that most have been reviewed at some point this year- the others were to be in our yearly round up of great drams, but we felt they deserved a place in the awards too:
Four Roses Single Barrel (2009 Release)
Invergordon 1971 Single Grain (Berry's Own Selection)
Hakushu 1989 (TWE 10th Anniversary bottling)
We'll bring you the results of this mammoth tasting later this week... Huzzah!!!