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Tuesday 30 November 2010

The BiG Awards 2010 shortlist is unveiled!!

Ok folks, the tension is mounting now as we get closer to our annual BiG awards, which celebrates the 10 best whiskies released this year.

This time, we asked you, the readers for your recommendations too- and you duly obliged, with hundreds of emails about your favourite releases of 2010. So, like they do on Crimewatch, we've gone through each email with a fine-toothed comb and have counted up how many matches there were with our own thoughts... and it seems like we're all roughly on the same page!!

So, without further ado, here are the nominees for the overall prize of Best in Glass 2010. We'll be judging each whisky in early December, with one winner being plucked from the bunch with a triumphant fanfare:

In no particular order:

You may also remember that we were running a little competition for 3 readers. Well, the lucky winner is Mike Aikman from Edinburgh. A box with something interesting will be winging its way to you shortly. We'll also pick out 2 runner up names when we've announced the overall winner of Best in Glass on the 10th December, so watch this space. Until then, congrats to all the whiskies above for being the cream of this year's best releases.